Christian Speaker
and Author
Meet Sylvia
" I am humbled and amazed by the precious thoughts the Creator has for us. Each one of us was handmade by God's own hands, created for a special purpose. I drink from the richness of Psalms 139.
God placed the gift of nurturing within me as I was woven together in the depths of the earth - for me it was the subtropics of Brazil. In my story I share about God's faithfulness as my husband and I faced opposition and difficulties in our adoption journey. And how he brought us out of a situation of spiritual abuse leading us on a journey of healing and finding wholeness in Christ alone.
My prayer is that my story can encourage women to live out their calling with courage and to find their true worth in Christ, also to encourage those to whom God has given children with special needs biologically or through foster and adoption."
Sylvia currently lives with her husband and four youngest children in northern Arizona.
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